Hoje o Sr carteiro foi um fofo e trouxe-me duas encomendas, eu não estava, mas como é comum deixou-as com a minha vizinha... =)
Então o que me chegou hoje por parte da Liz Earle foi:
♥ O tónico (Instant boost skin tonic spritzer) em formato de spray, em vez de ser o tradicional tónico que colocamos no algodão borrifamos directamente a cara, parece-me mais prático mas caiso queriamos utilizar o método "tradiciona" basta borrifar o algodão e aplicar. A primeira impressão é de que adoro a embalagem (mais uma vez) e de que cheira maravilhosamente. Pode ainda ser utilizado como fizador de maquilhagem (que já experimentei) e além de cheirar deliciosamente é deveras revitalisante, sentimos a pele mais confortável.
♥ O hidratante (Skin Repair Light Mosturizer) o creme só posso falar da embalagem e do cheiro. Cheira deliciosamente é assim um cheiro floral ma mais uma vez muito subtil, assim que experimentar faço-vos uma review, bem como do tónico.
Se já era fã desta marca inglesa depois do desmaquilhante está-me cá a quere parecer que ainda ficarei mais após utilizar estes dois produtos, caso queiram saber mais sobre a marca ou sobre o desmaquilhante cliquem aqui.
Obrigada Luise ♥
Recebi ainda, o corrector de olheiras/iluminador da Missha, encomendei no ebay, devo dizer que inicialmente fiquei um pouco apreensiva porque tinha a sensação de que era demasiado claro para o meu tom de pele (encomendei o mais clarinho) mas depois de o aplicar acabou por oxidar um bocadinho o que o escureceu e cobriu, mas quero experimentar colocar por baixo da base e depois novamemte por cima. Mas assim que puder faço uma review em condições.
Today Mr. Mailman was adorable and brought me two packets, I wasn't here, but as is often left them with my neighbor ... =)
So what I got today from the Liz Earle was:
♥ The tonic (Instant Boost Skin Tonic spritzer) in the form of spray, rather than the traditional tonic that put cotton directly in the face, it seems more practical, you just have to spray your face, but wanted to use the pier "traditional" methods simply sprinkle the cotton and apply. The first impression is that I love the packaging (again) and it smells wonderful. It can also be used as makeup fixator (already tried) and beyond is quite deliciously smelling revitalizer, the skin feel more comfortable.
♥ The moisturizer (Skin Repair Light Mosturizer) cream I can only speak of the packaging and smell. It smells deliciously like a floral smell is ma again very subtle, so as soon as I do experience I will make a review about it as well as the tonic.
So what I got today from the Liz Earle was:
♥ The tonic (Instant Boost Skin Tonic spritzer) in the form of spray, rather than the traditional tonic that put cotton directly in the face, it seems more practical, you just have to spray your face, but wanted to use the pier "traditional" methods simply sprinkle the cotton and apply. The first impression is that I love the packaging (again) and it smells wonderful. It can also be used as makeup fixator (already tried) and beyond is quite deliciously smelling revitalizer, the skin feel more comfortable.
♥ The moisturizer (Skin Repair Light Mosturizer) cream I can only speak of the packaging and smell. It smells deliciously like a floral smell is ma again very subtle, so as soon as I do experience I will make a review about it as well as the tonic.
If this was already a fan after trying the cleanser it seems taht I will turn even more after I use these two products if you want to learn more about the brand or the cleanser click here.
Thank you Louise ♥
I also received, the corrector of dark circles/illuminator from Missha, I ordered it on ebay, I must say that initially I was a little apprehensive because I had a feeling that was too light for my skin tone (I ordered the most pale) but after applying the eventually oxidize a bit, I also want to try putting down the foundation and then over. But as soon as I can I will amke a proper review.
I also received, the corrector of dark circles/illuminator from Missha, I ordered it on ebay, I must say that initially I was a little apprehensive because I had a feeling that was too light for my skin tone (I ordered the most pale) but after applying the eventually oxidize a bit, I also want to try putting down the foundation and then over. But as soon as I can I will amke a proper review.
1 comentários
Que produtinhos bons!
ReplyDeleteDepois fala sobre o corrector ;)
Go on... make me happy!! ♥
You can also write me to happy-brunette@hotmail.com ;)
Thanks ♥