A esta hora estou com a minha família a comer, rir e a controlar os miúdos para estas não abrirem as prendas antes a hora... É sempre uma excitação... É engraçado como os anos vão passando e o meu amor pelo Natal nunca diminui! Todos os anos é uma excitação, uma alegria o conforto da família da lareira... E quando a loucura das prendas acaba e as crianças já não conseguem abrir os olhos nem para brincar com as prendas novas fica-se à conversa e a petiscar... A dormida é arranjada no sofá pertinho da lareira e todos os anos nos deixamos dormir a conversar sobre a noite fantástica que foi... Amanhã de manhã o pequeno almoço deverá ser filhoses de abóbora e leite... É sempre assim! Depois começam a chegar para o almoço e começa outra vez a excitação de brincar com as prendas favoritas e de usar as peças de roupa novas que se abriu no dia anterior...
Espero que a vossa consoada esteja a ser maravilhosa rodeada de todos os que mais amam, com esperança e e amor no coração porque com família por perto e saúde tudo se consegue!
Beijinhos enormes para todos e que seja um Natal inesquecivelmente maravilhoso!
PS - Prometo que tiro fotos ;)
At this time I'm with my family eating, laughing and controlling the children not to open the presents before the time ... It's always a thrill ... It's funny how the years go by and my love of Christmas never decreases! Every year is an excitement, a joy the comfort of the family of the fireplace ... And when the madness is over and the children can no longer open their eyes or to play with the presents its time talk and grab snack ... The bed is arranged on the couch close to the fireplace and every year we allow ourselves to sleep talking about the fantastic night it was ... Tomorrow morning breakfast should be pumpkin cakes and milk ... It always is! Then begin to arrive for lunch and begin again the excitement of playing favorites toys and use the new clothes that opened the day before ...
I hope that your Christmas is wonderful that you are surrounded by all those who love you and that you love, with hope and and love in your hearts because with health and family around everything is possible!
Big kisses for everyone and that is an unforgettably wonderful Christmas!
PS - I promise to take pictures;)
At this time I'm with my family eating, laughing and controlling the children not to open the presents before the time ... It's always a thrill ... It's funny how the years go by and my love of Christmas never decreases! Every year is an excitement, a joy the comfort of the family of the fireplace ... And when the madness is over and the children can no longer open their eyes or to play with the presents its time talk and grab snack ... The bed is arranged on the couch close to the fireplace and every year we allow ourselves to sleep talking about the fantastic night it was ... Tomorrow morning breakfast should be pumpkin cakes and milk ... It always is! Then begin to arrive for lunch and begin again the excitement of playing favorites toys and use the new clothes that opened the day before ...
I hope that your Christmas is wonderful that you are surrounded by all those who love you and that you love, with hope and and love in your hearts because with health and family around everything is possible!
Big kisses for everyone and that is an unforgettably wonderful Christmas!
PS - I promise to take pictures;)
♥ Merry Xmas ♥ ♥ Merry Xmas ♥ ♥ Merry Xmas ♥ ♥ Merry Xmas ♥ ♥ Merry Xmas ♥ ♥ Merry Xmas ♥ ♥ Merry Xmas ♥ ♥ Merry Xmas ♥
♥ Merry Xmas ♥
4 comentários
Feliz Natal!
ReplyDeleteFeliz Natal ✳
Feliz Natal :)
Espero que o teu natal tenha sido óptimo.
ReplyDeleteGo on... make me happy!! ♥
You can also write me to happy-brunette@hotmail.com ;)
Thanks ♥